There was a laundry area in an upstairs nook that had badly stained linoleum where a washer/dryer had once been. This upstairs was converted attic space and I have no idea why or how someone would put a laundry area here. But they did, and so I needed to make it an asset rather than an eyesore. I went to Home Depot (no they don't pay me to write that). I purchased the plastic fake wood strips called laminate. They can be cut with sharp scissors or a razor. I used sharp scissors. The planks lock into each other for ease of installation. Some planks like mine had a built in moisture barrier. Otherwise you will need to buy some plastic sheeting or thin foam floor underlay material. For the houses I do, my goal is cheap and easy. I bought the ones that did not need any barrier. This picture shows my work in progress. Notice the water drain in towards the wall and the dryer vent that vents OUTSIDE the house. I eventually replaced the old carpet with some Lowe's Burber carpet.